All-in-One Post & Production Solutions House

Nine premium offline editing suites, designed and shaped differently, with 24\7 technical support infrastructure.
Three high-end, cozy and comfortable online editing suites, fully equipped with the latest hardware and software systems.
With over 25 years of experience, ArtMedia provides the overall solution for all lab and post production services.
ArtMedia offers production services, including all the professional and legal coverage needed to complete the shoot.
ArtMedia Cloud gives our customers the peace of mind they need, knowing all their video and data is stored in the best vault available.


Blink School offers a wide range of courses for anyone looking to learn or expand their editing, new media and After Effects skills.

Based in the heart of Tel Aviv, ArtMedia provides services for the local and international film and TV industry. Offering a large variety of production and post production solutions, creatively, professionally and technically, ArtMedia is all your video and digital project’s needs under one roof.

Our professional reputation pushed us to establish our first branch of The ArtMedia Academy for Visual Arts in association with Blink After Effects School. The new Blink School for After Effects and Visual Arts, offers an ever growing range of classes and courses in the field of editing, grading, designing, writing and gaming.

Our Clients

Contact Us

For further details, rates, and more – fill the contact form, or contact us through any of the following options:

Phone: 077-505-4004


Fax: 03-6876853

Address: 20 Ben Avigdor st., Tel Aviv, Israel

Check for Offline Room Availability

Fill the details and we will get back to you and book your next offline session.

Check for Online Room Availability

Fill the details and we will get back to you and book your next online session.

We Offer Door to Door Service

Need a quote? Fill your details and request and we will get back to you shortly.
Want to schedule pick up? Fill the following form and our office will send you a confirmation once shipment was scheduled.

Pick up scheduling is available online only 2 business days in advance. If you need express pick up please contact the office.

How can we help?

Let us know how we can support your next production.

Interested in a Cloud Services Quote?

Leave your details and we will get back to you shortly to fit a cloud solution to your needs.